$SHIT on Base

A total of 100,000,000,000,000 SHIT tokens are available to be claimed by those who have the ASS!
Shit Token
Meme Token on Base
40% liquidity
60% airdrop
Min: 0.003 ETH
Max Send: 0.1 ETH
Wallet : 0x573d713bA0D75d0856589c3EFF9e30949C26Cd11
Min. Cap: 1 ETH
Hard Cap: 20 ETH

$SHIT has a purpose! SHIT tokens are designed to shit on the scum in the ecosystem.
Welcome to Shit Cafe!
How can I help you?
Can we airdrop shits?
Certainly. Shit.cafe is built
for the purpose of
airdropping all shits.
That's great! What do
we need for the airdrop?
all you need is an ass
Is there anything else
required ?
Once you have an ass,
all you need to do is wait
How many shits will there
be at most for the airdrop?
The maximum supply of
shits is 100,000,0000,000,000
Will all the shits be free?
Only 40% of the shits will
allocated for liquidity. The
rest of the shits are free.